Coronavirus (COVID-19) solutions and infection control technologies for commercial buildings
– an incredibly timely response for now and in the future.

In response to COVID-19, each of the services listed below now starts with a complete manual disinfection (wipe down) of your facility.


Continuous disinfection of the air you breathe and the surfaces you touch. Immediately effective.


Ductwork is the pathogen superhighway – especially in healthcare. And it’s leaky. All of it. We seal it from the inside out – quickly, with limited interruption to ongoing operations. Immediately effective.


Waterborne pathogens dramatically reduced if not eradicated in plumbing and process water systems. Massive water and energy savings potential. Prevents and removes scale, bio and algae. Immediately effective.

What They All Have In  Common

Active, automatic Infection Control - 24/7

Immediately effective

Risk reduction

Whole or targeted facility applications

Maintenance free / short payback

Environmentally friendly


CES seeks out solutions with an energy-saving component to help your business achieve better results with less waste. Our goal is to help businesses take advantage of every opportunity to reduce waste, cut costs, increase equipment life, and improve operational efficiency in these areas:

Electrical Distribution

Electrical system efficiency affects all elements of production. CES collects and analyzes data to provide solutions that reduce energy, increase productivity, and improve MRO.

Compressed Air

CES uses cutting-edge ultrasound technology to discover leaks. We offer recommendations for system operations and sequencing that result in savings, efficiency, and durability.

HVAC & Refrigeration

This is often the area with the most opportunity and the most impact for a facility. At CES, we recognize that new equipment is expensive, so we never recommend replacing expensive equipment without first evaluating opportunities to reduce costs and increase longevity using the existing equipment.

Other Measures • Brokering

CES is dedicated to finding and negotiating the best prices for gas and electric energy. This includes Mechanical Analysis, Combined Heat & Power (CHP), PV Solar, Process Controls (PLC, HMI), and Utility Bill Analysis.


We offer the latest technology in LED Industrial and Commercial lighting to maximize your facility’s energy savings plan while also improving visibility and safety.


CES brings expert analysis, new technology, and proven solutions to reduce the frequency of steam trap and heat recovery issues.


90% of our time is spent indoors, yet businesses often overlook indoor air quality as a way to increase employee health, productivity, and job satisfaction. CES is committed to reducing particulate matter, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and pathogens for our clients.

Duct Sealing

HVAC systems can leak as much as 30% of air into unoccupied space. CES offers Aeroseal, a technology created by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory that avoids costly tear out of ceilings and walls.


Poor indoor air quality impacts health and productivity. Air ducts can harbor and spread bacteria, mold, and dust mites. CES has solutions to reduce inhalable particle matter in every environment.


CES helps clients minimize the amount of water and chemical input used in order to save on equipment and wastewater system costs, improve operational performance, and reduce environmental impact.

Water Softening

We utilize the latest research to help facilities avoid costly breakdowns in boilers and other equipment due to water with a high mineral content.

Total Water Management

Water is a valuable resource. Our solutions help facilities optimize system performance and reduce operating costs.

Cost Control

Our military training emphasized the importance of reducing waste while controlling cost and risk. We bring those same goals to each project.

Call Us :

Louisville  - (502) 512-1033
Lexington  - (859) 621-6751

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2020 Critical Environmental Solutions